Wayland MI Chiropractor Tells of His Health Journey

At Full Potential Chiropractic, we know that Chiropractic care improves the health of the whole family. We would like to share with you the story of one of our families and how their overall health has improved through chiropractic care in Wayland MI.
Why Full Potential Chiropractic in Wayland MI?
What first bought us into Full Potential Chiropractic was a need for better, complete care for our family. When Don first came to HFC for neck pain and headaches, I was a little skeptical. The care he received and the overall improvement I saw in him opened my eyes and my mind to a new way of life and healthy living for my entire family. We decided as a family, that the children and I would begin to get adjusted. I can’t believe that I have waited this long to feel this great! 6 years ago, I had an L5/S1 fusion and never thought that the pain would ever really, completely go away. After every adjustment, I feel like a new person, pain is not something I have to deal with anymore, and my overall mobility is at a level I can only remember having as a child. Chiropractic care is now a part of our family’s healthy lifestyle. The choices we make and the way we function are overall better for this family going forward and chiropractic care is one of those choices. I have seen increased mobility in my family, overall optimal health, and healthier living. My three children live a more active life. They look forward to their weekly adjustments and share the concept of natural healing for their bodies with their friends and family. The advice I would offer to families who are striving for a healthy lifestyle is to look at the FULL picture. It’s not just about exercise or healthy eating; it’s about the whole body. Adjustments allow your body to heal naturally and allow you to continue functioning at your full potential. Chiropractic care allows you to come full circle, and combine your healthy eating and physical activity with a body whose power has been turned up…you are unstoppable!
7:30am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 7:00pm
7:30am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Full Potential Chiropractic
135 E Superior St
Wayland, MI 49348