Full Potential Chiropractic Blog
Your Guide to Pain-Free Holiday Travel
Your Guide to Pain-Free Holiday Travel in Wayland MI Bottom Line: Holiday travel can be brutal on your body. Long hours spent jammed into a small seat on an airplane has the potential to cause a flare-up of pain in your low back or neck. Even if you are traveling by car, be careful when…
Your Gut and Your Health
Your Gut and Your Health in Wayland MI Bottom Line: Bacteria is something we are trained to from childhood, but the truth is that our bodies are filled with trillions of bacteria that help play an essential role in our digestive processes and much more. Researchers have recently discovered that the types and amounts of…
What Is Leaky Gut?
What Is Leaky Gut in Wayland MI? Bottom Line: Leaky gut has been getting a lot of publicity over the past year, but what is it? Researchers have theorized that leaky gut is when partially digested protein and fat seep out of your digestive system and cause inflammation in your body. The inflammation, or allergic…
The Gut/Brain Connection
The Gut/Brain Connection in Wayland MI Bottom Line: If you have ever had “butterflies” or have been stressed to the point of your stomach hurting, you’ve experienced the gut/brain connection firsthand in Wayland MI. Even the thought of food can activate your digestive system because it’s intimately connected with your brain and central nervous system.…
How Digestion Works
How Digestion Works in Wayland MI Bottom Line: Our modern diet and lifestyle have been linked to a variety of digestive issues. The overall health of your digestive system in Wayland MI is closely tied to the food you eat, the exercise you get, and your overall stress levels. Your digestive system is a group…
Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep
Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep in Wayland MI Bottom Line: Staying up late one night usually only results in feeling a little tired the next day, but when this happens day after day, it can really start to negatively affect your life. Research has shown that a lack of proper sleep can result in…